记录Android addr2line 调试方法。


I/DEBUG   (   31): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
/DEBUG   (   31): Build fingerprint: 'generic/sdk/generic:2.3/GRH55/79397:eng/test-keys' 
/DEBUG   (   31): pid: 378, tid: 386  >>> com.example.gltest <<< 
/DEBUG   (   31): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000 
/DEBUG   (   31):  r0 001dbdc0  r1 00000001  r2 00000000  r3 00000000 
/DEBUG   (   31):  r4 00000000  r5 40a40000  r6 4051a480  r7 42ddbee8 
/DEBUG   (   31):  r8 43661b24  r9 42ddbed0  10 42ddbebc  fp 41e462d8 
/DEBUG   (   31):  ip 00000001  sp 436619d0  lr 83a12f5d  pc 8383deb4  cpsr 20000010 
/DEBUG   (   31):          #00  pc 0003deb4  /data/data/com.example.gltest/lib/libnativemaprender.so 
/DEBUG   (   31):          #01  pc 00039b76  /data/data/com.example.gltest/lib/libnativemaprender.so 
/DEBUG   (   31):          #02  pc 00017d34  /system/lib/libdvm.so 

Look at the last 3 lines; this is your callstack. ‘pc’ is the program counter, and the pc for stack frame #00 gives you the address where the crash occurred. This is the number to pass to addr2line. I’m using NDK r5, so the executable I’m using is located at $NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin; make sure that is in your $PATH.

The command to use looks like

arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line -C -f -e obj/local/armeabi/libXXX.so <address> 
Or, for the case above: 
arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line -C -f -e obj/local/armeabi/libnativemaprender.so 00 


参考网址: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5314036/how-to-use-addr2line-in-android